How to Properly Maintain Sterling Silver Memorial Jewellery
Properly maintaining sterling silver, whether it is for memorial jewellery, cremation jewellery or any other type of jewellery is an important step to take because without doing so, your jewellery can run into issues in the future. Miss article we're gonna talk about how you can properly maintain your memorial jewellery that is made of sterling silver so that you can avoid these issues and keep your memorial peace healthy for years and years to come.
What is Memorial Jewellery?
Memorial jewellery is a type of jewellery that is used to memorialise or commemorate the life of a recently passed loved one. Memorial jewellery differs to that of cremation jewellery as it is not necessary for it to hold any amount of cremation ash for it to still be considered memorial jewellery. Cremation jewellery on the other hand must hold or must be able to hold a small amount of ash in order to fit within the category. However just because memorial jewellery doesn't need to hold ash doesn't mean that there are no memorial jewellery pieces out there that are also able to hold ash. Memorial jewellery is typically defined as a piece of jewellery that is relatable to your loved one or would remind you of them in some way. They can also be symbolic pieces to represent parts of their personality or other parts of them that were important such as their career, favourite hobby etc. Memorial jewellery can come in all shapes and sizes ranging from pendants, necklaces, lockets, bracelets and even rings. At Eternal Jewellery, we have all sorts of genuine Sterling silver memorial jewellery pieces that you can buy to remember your loved one wherever you go.
Best Practices for Maintaining Sterling Silver Memorial Jewellery.
One important way of maintaining your sterling silver memorial jewellery is through preventative maintenance.. This means you want to avoid making contact with your silver memorial jewellery to common household cleaning products or other strong chemicals such as bleach. If your sterling silver memorial jewellery is a ring, then you'll want to take it off if you plan on doing any cleaning.
Another form of preventative maintenance would be to make sure you don't wet your silver memorial jewellery. Make sure you take off your sterling silver memorial jewellery before you shower or bathe, or go to the beach. While your piece is water resistant, submerging it and constantly wetting it can lead to corrosion of the material and even displacement of the ashes if your memorial piece is capable of holding ashes. Harmful chemicals found in water can also tarnish and corrode your memorial jewellery and so is another reason you will want to avoid wetting your piece when possible.
proactive maintenance is also important when maintaining your sterling silver memorial jewellery. Proactive maintenance includes things like cleaning your memorial jewellery often. We recommend cleaning your silver memorial jewellery every 6 months to a year but potentially even more regularly depending on use.
Properly maintaining your Sterling silver memorial jewellery is a vital step in ensuring your piece lasts for as long as possible. If you are in need of a new quality made piece of memorial jewellery, then shop our wide range of jewellery today and find your perfect piece.